
Keeping Arts Alive through Cold Spring’s Annie Jr.

This content was shared by Amy Alzina Superintendent. We have such talented students! This past June 2021, Cold Spring School District 6th graders put on a production of Annie Jr. , a student version of the Broadway musical inspired by the Harold Gray comic strip Little Orphan Annie . Students put together their ideas to bring Annie Jr. to life with props, costumes, singing, and dancing, and rehearsed diligently. The Music and Drama teachers at Cold Spring provided direction, inspiring students to be creative and make Annie Jr. their own. The students and teachers’ creativity exceeded expectations! Cold Spring’s production of Annie Jr. is unique in its set design. Students rehearsed together at school and inventively produced scenes both onstage and virtually for a new visual experience of live student theater. Here is the full production. As part of the district’s approach to educating the “whole child,” providing Visual and Performing Arts opportunities for students to t...

Students at Cold Spring School District Achieved Remarkable Results with Key State Testing

This content is shared by Amy Alzina Superintendent. As schools everywhere experience an influx of students, teachers, and families returning to the normalcy of educational routines, Cold Spring School District is celebrating the success their students have accomplished during the 2020-2021 academic year, following the results of the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP). This past spring, 102 Cold Spring students took the CAASPP in grades three through six, resulting in a 95% participation rate (five students opted out). This participation was critical considering the 2019-2020 CAASPP was canceled nationally in the wake of COVID-19 closing schools and interrupting learning patterns. But in preparation for the 2020-2021 CAASPP, Cold Spring students and teachers persevered, studied, and proved their incredible creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. Cold Spring School District is proud to announce that 97% of students Met/Exceeded the E...

Walking and Bicycling to School with the Safe Routes Program

This content was shared by Amy Alzina Superintendent. Cold Spring School District anticipates back-to-school festivities and excitement and will be an active partner in promoting walking and bicycling to school. Through the implementation of the Safe Routes to School Program, the district aims to improve traffic safety around school areas. “We are excited to continue working with the community to further develop the Safe Routes Program and ensure our students have safe travel accommodations to school each day,” says Amy Alzina, Superintendent, Cold Spring School District. The Safe Routes to School Committee promotes a safer neighborhood for the students and their families to walk and ride bikes to school and schedules numerous safety programs (bike rodeo, assemblies) for the students. Four goals are outlined for the Safe Routes Program: Goal 1: Reduce car traffic Goal 2: Create a safer environment Goal 3: Promote walking and biking among students Goal 4: Educate parents and stu...

Engaging for Student Success: The Parent Club at Cold Spring School District

This content was shared by Amy Alzina Superintendent. Parents play an integral role at Cold Spring School. So crucial, that there is a club devoted to their involvement, called Parent Club! Its mission is to create opportunities for the students, families, and the larger community to connect with each other in order to engage and empower all the students at Cold Spring School.  “Our district has a variety of extracurricular activities to support students’ learning environments, and we also provide parents and guardians with the opportunity to be more involved with the school district to support their students’ experience as well,” says Amy Alzina, Superintendent, Cold Spring School District. The Parent Club actively helps the school community by sponsoring social events, welcoming new families, and raising funds to acquire playground equipment and classroom learning materials. In addition, the Parent Club coordinates after-school enrichment programs and many other programs that ...

Amy Alzina Superintendent | The Inspiring Harvest of the Native Garden

This content was shared by Amy Alzina Superintendent. Time flies. During the 2016-2017 school year, second graders at Cold Spring School District worked together to plant a Native Garden. Four years later, 6 th graders had the opportunity to garden one last time before leaving for middle school. Students were able to see the plant growth and know they had contributed to the local ecosystem, while being part of the district, and feel proud of their accomplishments. The Native Garden marked an important passage of time and remains a gift for the current students at Cold Spring School District. Santa Barbara is known for its diverse ecosystem due to its shared coastal and mountainous geography. Cold Spring’s approach to the Native Garden is to use local resources as a supplement to education standards while teaching students important lessons.  “The Native Garden at Cold Spring is an opportunity for students to develop environmental literacy skills and support their creativity,” s...

Cold Spring School District Partners with Care Solace to Provide Free Mental Health Services for Families and Staff

This content is shared by Amy Alzina Superintendent. We support mental wellness during Mental Health Awareness Month  Santa Barbara, Calif. – In recognition of the month of May as Mental Health Awareness Month, Cold Spring School District announces their partnership with Care Solace, a concierge service linking families and school staff to free mental health support resources.  “In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month and as we approach the end of the school year, I want to remind our community that mental health wellness is critical. Access to adequate mental health services is a necessity and available to our families and staff,” says Amy Alzina, Superintendent, Cold Spring School District. “The year behind us has been so difficult with the COVID-19 pandemic that it has been critical for all of us to maintain our mental health by practicing wellness as best we can. Care Solace is a great resource for all ages. I encourage our community to take advantage of these resour...

Amy Alzina Superintendent | Remodeling Classrooms and Building Community

This article was shared by Amy Alzina Superintendent. The new school year brings opportunities to enhance campus spaces. Cold Spring School District has unveiled unique additions for students to enjoy. Recently, a greenhouse was built, and the garden and outdoor space was renovated for the new academic year. These outdoor facilities were provided and constructed by parents and local organizations who volunteered their time to ensure structures were properly built. Cold Spring is proud of the student learning spaces. The children know how to make their day efficient across campus as they reach their daily learning goals. This year, the school is excited for students to also enjoy new renovations and a variety of special classroom enhancements that will supplement their academic routine. A second-grade classroom has been redesigned with new flooring and new classroom furniture such as desks and chairs. The increased enrollment at Cold Spring has allowed for the growth of the facilitie...